I entered the wrong email address in domain contacts. How can I change it without email access?
Please note you can make the changes from your panel itself using DA method (without confirmation of current email). Kindly follow below steps:
- Login to your control panel
- Search for the domain name
- Click on contact details
- Make the required changes and click save
- Once done you will see the below options:
1) "Registrant authorization NOT required". You authorize the registrar to act as a designated agent (DA) on behalf of the registrant to approve the contact changes. A mandatory 60 day transfer lock will be applied on the domain.
2) "Mandatory registrant authorization required". The changes will be applied only post approval from the previous and the new registrant.
- Choose the 1st option "Registrant authorization NOT required" and click save. Once done the old registrant email address shall be DA approved. The new registrant will need to approve the modification link sent to him on the new email id. Post approval the modification can take up to 2 hours for the domain to be verified.
You can refer to the below link to know more about the new IRTP process changes - https://cp.regway.com/kb/node/5